Monthly Archives: July 2021

RENTSAFE Electrical Safety Check

RENT SAFE – Electrical Safety Check   New renting laws that came into effect on 29th March, 2021 require rental properties to have an Electrical Safety Check every 2 years.   LNB Electrics supplies electrical safety checks to all areas of Metropolitan Melbourne and will supply you all the compliance documentation required to comply with

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VEET Scheme Rebate – Lighting Upgrade

What is the VEU/VEET/VEEC Scheme? Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) is a Victorian Government initiative with the purpose of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and encouraging the efficient use of electricity and gas by energy consumers. VEET stands for Victorian Energy Efficiency Target. This fantastic Victorian Government initiative is designed to make energy efficiency improvements more affordable for businesses. The

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New Project – 200 Victoria St, Carlton

200 Victoria St, Carlton LNB Group is delighted to be in partnership with COBILD for the 200 Victoria Street Upgrade project. This 8 storey complex is being refurbished to include upgrades mains, switchboards & MSB’s, data and communications and a new lighting system.

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